Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Program
SDVOSBs and VOSBs are given some important preferences in government contracting. The most significant of these preferences is at the Department of Veterans Affairs: the VA must, in some cases, set aside work for either SDVOSBs or VOSBs. In other cases, the VA can award SDVOSBs or VOSBs sole-source contracts. For non-VA agencies, only SDVOSBs (not VOSBs) are entitled to a contracting preference, although VOSB status can be helpful in more limited cases, like helping large prime contractors reach their subcontracting goals. Non-VA agencies, however, can set aside solicitations for SDVOSBs, and issue sole source awards to SDVOSBs in limited circumstances.
Overall, the government aims to award at least 3% of prime contract dollars annually to SDVOSBs.