Snigel Squeeze Ballistic Protection and Carry System
The Snigel Squeeze Ballistic Protection and Carry System is a modular system where different components can be used depending on the mission, threat level, and climate. It is designed to be comfortable, fit tightly, easy to wear, adjust and use, not to restrict your movements, and to be as cool as possible.
The Snigel Squeeze Ballistic Protection and Carry System is a modular system where different components can be used depending on the mission, threat level, and climate. It is designed to be comfortable, fit tightly, easy to wear, adjust and use, not to restrict your movements, and to be as cool as possible.
The Squeeze system minimizes the logistical burden by having only two lengths for the vest and only three widths of the side panel. With these five components, it will fit 90% of the users. The combat belt fitted with the Spoon system transfers the bulk of the weight from the Squeeze system and backpack to the belt. A ballistic panel can be used inside the combat belt to increase the protected area. The Squeeze system will work with your weapon, helmet, radio, wires, ear defenders, and other pieces of personal equipment.
Different backpacks and bags for personal and team equipment are designed to be carried at the same time as the Squeeze system. The bags and backpacks are easy to attach and detach and they are as comfortable as possible to carry together with the Squeeze system. The combat belt is also used as the hip belt for our 90/120L backpack.
Please see the data sheet for a full description of the Squeeze system, to include features and configurations.